Welcome to Praxis

Young Adult Ministry @ LLUC

Join us for Night Church in the Auditorium! Fridays at 7:30 pm

  • Praxis is where we worship Jesus, grow in biblical truth, and hold authenticity, community, and sacrifice as key values for discipleship, as we collectively fulfill the great commission of Jesus. Ultimately as young adults, we want to learn and know the deep love of Jesus and put it into practice.

  • Where Theory Meets Practice

    We are the young adult ministry at LLUC (ages 18-35) who believes in a welcoming space for young people to come together to worship, commune, lead, and do life together while also helping and reaching out to our community.

  • Weโ€™re young adults, ages 18-35! Praxis believes that life is not meant to be done alone. We value the power of community and share stories through life groups, social events, and other programs within our ministry. The best way to get connected is to join a life group, come to our retreat in April, or volunteer with us. We canโ€™t wait to get to know you แต•ฬˆ

  • Night Church

    Join us for a worship service on Friday nights at 7:30pm on the new church building Auditorium (1st floor). Each week, we have a variety of talented musicians, speakers, and volunteers perform from all walks of life.

  • Afterglow

    Do ever want to hangout after church? We do too! Join us in the Praxis room or LLUC courtyard after Night church for snacks, drinks, and good company. We want to continue the conversation from the sermon and grow in community together.

  • Life Groups

    Grow with us! Join a group of 12-14 individuals and grow in spiritual formation & community together. Our life groups meet once a week and journey through a season of 8 weeks together. This season, choose one activity-based life group to grow together in community & in Christ.

  • Sabbath School

    A space to discuss and learn biblical topics! Join us on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am in the Praxis room for a light breakfast, warm beverages, and discussion over biblical topics. Note: Full breakfast bar available on the first Sabbath of every month

  • Upcoming Social Events

    We love to socialize! From beach outings to Christmas banquets - this is where many new friendships and memories are formed. We hope you join us for our future events.

  • Outreach

    We want to be a part of the change in our community. From organizing homeless care packages to delivering Christmas gifts for lower income kids, we work with our local community to serve those who may need it the most. We also work with our local outreach ministry, UReach, to partner with their local projects.

  • Wednesdays at LLUC's

    We love our Loma Linda University students! We are located in the heart of the LLU campus and our LLUC volunteer team create delicious meals every Wednesday for all students in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Sermons/Media

    Missed a sermon? We got you covered! Visit our Praxis Youtube channel or check out our Night Church podcast on all available podcast platforms. We update our platforms every Wednesday.


Loma Linda University Church Family Ministry Building

11125 Campus St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354

Friday Nights: Praxis Night Church

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Afterglow to follow

Saturday Morning Sabbath School
Praxis Room (Basement floor)

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
