Have you felt like socializing after a church service? We do too. That’s what Afterglow is—a time to gather, socialize, eat snacks, and continue the conversation from the sermon that evening. We want to grow spiritually while also in relationships.
Loma Linda University Church
Family Ministry Building
11125 Campus St.
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Friday Evenings After Night Church
Location: LLUC Courtyard or Praxis room—weather dependant
PRAXIS Afterglow FAQs
The glow from Night Church service brings us into Afterglow. It’s a time to hangout with friends, eat snacks, and continue the conversation from the Night Church sermon.
Immediately after Night Church until 10:30 pm.
The location varies: On rainy days, we’ll meet in the Praxis Room - in the Family Ministry Building on the Basement floor, Room 0402. On warm evenings, we’ll gather on the rooftop or in the LLUC courtyard. Follow our Instagram @praxisministry for weekly updates!
If you’d like to volunteer, please fill out the Praxis Volunteer Form. One of our team leaders will get in touch with you within 2-3 business days!